Event box

Adult Study Hall

Adult Study Hall

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
10:00am - 11:30am
Meeting Room #4347
Main Library (300 N. Roxboro St)
  Adult     Emerging Adult: 18-24 Year Olds  
  Business     Career Development     Low Sensory Stimulation     Other     Tutoring  

Registration is required. There are 20 seats available.

Adult study hall is an opportunity to get stuff done with peer support from an executive function coach at the library. It promotes accountability, productivity, and focus in a low-key and supportive setting.

Each session is a little over 90 minutes long. You can join late or leave early and share your plans for the session or not. It’s your time!

Here’s a typical session agenda:

  • 5 min: Sage EF introduction and study hall preview

  • 10 min: (Optional) Share your goals or plans for the work session

  • 30 min: Work period

  • Free tip/resource of the week

  • 3 min: Break

  • 20 min: Work period

  • 3 min: Break

  • 10 min: Work period

  • 10 min: (Optional) Share what you accomplished!

  • “After class”: (Optional) Stick around to crowdsource resources or solutions

Here are some ways folks use these sessions:

  • Studying or reading

  • Reorganizing or cleaning

  • Sorting through physical mail

  • Paying bills

  • Answering and/or deleting emails

  • Meal prepping or cooking

  • Making art or doing crafts

  • Filling out paperwork

  • Writing or journaling

Come join our supportive, friendly, low-pressure community and get some stuff done!

This program is presented by Sage EF Coaching; you can find more information here.


Thanks to the Durham Library Foundation for supporting this event series!

Durham Library Foundation Logo

Event Organizer

Jana Bradley