There are 1 booking option(s) available for the "Recording Studio" category and all zones. You can go back and change the filters.
The Recording Studio is currently unavailable.
Once you've selected a reservation time, your selection will show up underneath the grid.
To change the end time, use the dropdown that shows the current end time.
To change the start time, click the trash can icon to clear it and start over.
The study rooms below are adult study rooms. To reserve a children's or teen study room, please visit or call the library at 919-560-0100.
Need assistance or have questions? Check out our Recording Studio Guide for step-by-step instruction, resources, and more information.
¿Necesitas ayuda o tienes preguntas? Consulta nuestra Guía del estudio de grabación para obtener instrucciones paso a paso, recursos y más información.
Si necesita ayuda, puede ponerse en contacto con nuestra coordinadora de servicios de habla hispana en